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President Sisi hails deeply-rooted, robust ties with Somalia

August 15, 2024 05:19 AM
President Sisi hails deeply-rooted, robust ties with Somalia

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El Sisi hailed on Wednesday the deeply-rooted and robust ties between Egypt and Somalia. Addressing a joint press conference held Wednesday with his Somalian counterpart Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who is on a current visit to Egypt, Sisi extended heartfelt condolences to the Somali president and people over the victims of the terrorist attack in Mogadishu that took place on August 2. At least 37 civilians were killed and 212 were injured in an explosion at a popular beach restaurant in the Somali capital. Sisi wished the wounded speedy recovery.   Sisi emphasized Cairo's commitment to leveraging the stable fraternal relations between Egypt and Somalia for pushing cooperation and development efforts forward in both countries. He congratulated the Somalian president for the UN Security's resolution on lifting sanctions on his country, applauding Somalia's election as a non-permanent member of the UNSC in 2025 and 2026 as a matter that signifies how it is now respected and trusted. Sisi wished the Somalian leader all success in his counter-terrorism efforts to ensure Somalia's stability. "We are keen on achieving stability in Somalia and ensuring the success of counter-terrorism efforts to make Somalia better than it was before," Sisi said. Sisi said his talks with the Somalian president covered recent measures taken to reaffirm Cairo's commitment to fostering cooperation between both countries, such as reopening the Egyptian Embassy in Mogadishu and resuming EgyptAir flights between Cairo and the Somalian capital. "We also discussed military cooperation and the recent cooperation agreement between the defense ministers of Egypt and Somalia," Sisi said, noting that the two countries' cooperation has always aimed at building, reconstruction, and development without interference in the domestic affairs of other countries. "Our policy tracks have always been governed by the principles of respecting international law and norms, as well as state sovereignty," Sisi said. When presiding over the African Union's Peace and Security Council in October, Egypt will seize this opportunity to make good faith efforts for the security and stability of all African nations, Sisi noted. Citing Egypt's offer to support a new African Union peacekeeping mission to Somalia this year, Sisi said, "It's up to the host country to decide on this matter. If it wants us to be there, we will be; if not, we will maintain our cooperation as brothers." "You have reliable friends and brothers in Egypt," Sisi told his Somalian counterpart at the joint news briefing. President Sisi congratulated the State of Somalia on the lifting of the sanctions and embargo imposed on it. He also stressed that Egyptian-Somali relations are historical and have extended for many years. Sisi praised during the conference Somalia's efforts in combating terrorism and maintaining security and stability. For his part, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud stressed that he is honored to visit Egypt in response to an invitation from President Abdel Fattah al Sisi, thanking the Egyptian leadership, government and people for the warm reception and hospitality extended to him and his accompanying delegation, explaining that Egypt is a brotherly and friendly country to Somalia. Sheikh Mahmoud stressed that Egypt is a historical ally of Somalia, a brotherly, friendly and supportive country, explaining that work is underway to establish prosperous relations based on mutual respect. He explained that in the discussions with President Sisi, it is clear that the governments of the two countries find it useful to work on advancing economic, political and diplomatic ties between the two countries, and this is in the interest of the Egyptian and Somali people, continuing: “Somalia and Egypt are working to confront the state of uncertainty and external shocks that are currently being faced.”               Egypt Today

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