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Volume of trade exchange bet. Egypt, Malaysia reaches $777M in 2023

May 29, 2024 06:26 AM
Volume of trade exchange bet. Egypt, Malaysia reaches $777M in 2023

The trade exchange between Egypt and Malaysia amounted to approximately $777 million in 2023, according to a statement released by Egypt's Ministry of Trade and Industry.
The main commodities exchanged between the two countries included fresh oranges, natural calcium phosphate, and strawberries.
This information was provided during a meeting between Egypt's Minister of Trade and Industry, Ahmed Samir, and Malaysia's Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Johari Abdul Ghani.
 The meeting aimed to explore ways to enhance trade and investment cooperation between Egypt and Malaysia.
Minister Samir noted that over 26 Malaysian companies currently operate in Egypt, with major investments from the Malaysian National Petroleum and Energy Company Petronas and the energy company Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA).
Additionally, the Malaysian delegation is scheduled to visit the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone) tomorrow to explore opportunities for establishing a Malaysian palm oil storage project for re-export to markets in the Middle East and Africa.
Samir emphasized Egypt's commitment to strengthening joint industrial and investment cooperation with Malaysia across various sectors.
He also highlighted the importance of establishing direct air routes between Egypt and Malaysia, which would boost Malaysian tourism to Egypt and facilitate the air transport of Egyptian fresh produce to the Malaysian market.
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