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The National and regional platform to promote national products in Egypt , GCC and Africa

Made in Egypt Gate: Boosting Egyptian Exports and Industry

MIEG, launched in 2020, is a vital component of the broader Made in the GCC initiative, developed in collaboration with the Federation of GCC Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Empowering Egyptian Industry in Global Markets

  • Supports growth of exports and re-exports.
  • Connects Egyptian manufacturers to regional and global markets.
  • Assists distributors and sales outlets in finding quality Egyptian products.

Key Features of Made in Egypt Gate

  • Comprehensive profiles of Egyptian factories.
  • Detailed reports on supply orders and tenders (public and private).
  • Curated list of approved suppliers in Egypt.
  • Direct communication channels between factories and buyers.

Benefits for Stakeholders

For Manufacturers:

  • Increased visibility in domestic and international markets.
  • Opportunities to participate in public and private tenders.
  • Direct access to potential distributors and sales outlets.

For Buyers and Distributors:

  • Easy identification of high-quality Egyptian products.
  • Access to a vetted list of approved suppliers.
  • Streamlined process for establishing business relationships.

Part of a Larger Regional Initiative

Made in Egypt Gate is an integral part of the Made in the GCC platform, launched in April 2020, which encompasses:

  • All six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) country platforms.
  • Egypt’s dedicated national platform.
  • Support for factories and companies producing unified national products.

Driving Economic Growth

By facilitating connections between Egyptian manufacturers and global markets, Made in Egypt Gate plays a crucial role in:

  • Boosting Egypt’s export economy.
  • Enhancing the reputation of Egyptian products globally.
  • Supporting the country’s industrial development goals.

Join Made in Egypt Gate Today

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