
الشركة المصرية لصناعة العوازل الكهربائية (ECMEI)

Egyptian Company for Manufacturing Electrical lnsulators (ECMEI)

Egyptian Company for Manufacturing Electrical Insulators (ECMEI) Overview

Egyptian Company for Manufacturing Electrical Insulators (ECMEI), the leading manufacturer of ceramic insulators in the Middle East. We operate under license from Lucideon

(formerly Ceram Ltd) in the manufacture of high tension insulators up to 210 KN/765 kV.
We have a comprehensive range from disc and pin insulators to LV insulators. ECMEI launched 2 new Production lines ,1st brand “Elsewedy Polymer Insulators” specialized on
manufacturing different types such as (Long rod – Bracket insulator Composite Pin – Composite Post) and 2nd brand “Elsewedy fitting” for manufacturing hardware fitting In addition to other related services include dry cleaning and maintenance, erection/rehabilitation of insulators, RTV
supply & coat also supply of raw materials, such as sand for transformers.
As we always seek to fulfill clients’ requirement, ECMEI Launched other product lines such as Surge Arrester & Air- disconnector switch.


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