
President Sisi, Xi agree on immediate ceasefire in Gaza

President Xi Jinping of China and President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt stand in front of an honor guard during a formal welcome ceremony, with rows of soldiers in uniform lined up behind them.


President Sisi of Egypt recently met with President Xi Jinping of China in a landmark event at the Great Hall of the People. This meeting, celebrated with a formal welcome ceremony, marked the 10th anniversary of elevating Egypt-China relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership. The discussions between the two leaders focused on enhancing bilateral relations, addressing regional conflicts, and strengthening cooperation on various fronts.

Enhancing Bilateral Relations

A Decade of Partnership The meeting coincided with the 10th anniversary of Egypt-China relations being elevated to a comprehensive strategic partnership. Both leaders reflected on the achievements over the past decade and outlined plans for future cooperation.

Formal Welcome Ceremony President Xi received President Sisi with a formal welcome ceremony, featuring the national anthems of both countries and an honor guard review. This gesture underscored the importance of the bilateral relationship.

Joint Statement and Partnership Year A joint statement was issued, detailing the areas of cooperation for the upcoming period. The announcement of the “Egypt-China Partnership Year” promises numerous diplomatic, economic, and cultural cooperation events between the two countries.

Addressing Regional Conflicts

Urgent Need to Halt the War in Gaza President Sisi emphasized the urgent need to halt the war in Gaza, citing the severe humanitarian, security, and political consequences of Israeli military operations in Rafah, including the tragic bombing of a refugee camp.

Egypt’s Role in Maintaining Calm President Xi praised Egypt’s pivotal role and continuous efforts in maintaining calm and facilitating humanitarian aid in the region. Both leaders agreed on the necessity of an immediate ceasefire and rejected the forced displacement of Palestinians.

Two-State Solution for Peace The presidents affirmed that implementing a two-state solution is essential for restoring stability and ensuring regional peace and security.

Cooperation on Development Initiatives

Support for African Development The discussions also covered the situation in Africa, with a focus on strengthening cooperation between Egypt and China to support the continent’s development efforts.

Securing Egypt’s Water Security President Sisi underscored the paramount importance of securing Egypt’s water security, highlighting the need for collaborative efforts to address this critical issue.

Technological and Economic Cooperation

Belt and Road Initiative Following their discussions, the two presidents witnessed the signing of several cooperation agreements, including a joint development plan for the Belt and Road Initiative. This plan aims to enhance connectivity and economic integration between the two countries.

Technological Innovation and Communications The agreements also included enhanced cooperation in technological innovation and communications technology, paving the way for future advancements and mutual benefits.


The historic meeting between President Sisi and President Xi at the Great Hall of the People marked a significant milestone in Egypt-China relations. The discussions and agreements reached during this meeting set the stage for a strengthened partnership, addressing regional conflicts, and enhancing cooperation in various fields. The announcement of the “Egypt-China Partnership Year” promises a future of robust diplomatic, economic, and cultural collaboration.


What was the significance of President Sisi’s meeting with President Xi?

  • The meeting marked the 10th anniversary of elevating Egypt-China relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership, focusing on enhancing bilateral relations and addressing regional conflicts.

What is the “Egypt-China Partnership Year”?

  • The “Egypt-China Partnership Year” will feature numerous diplomatic, economic, and cultural cooperation events between Egypt and China.

What was discussed regarding the war in Gaza?

  • President Sisi emphasized the urgent need to halt the war in Gaza, while both leaders agreed on the necessity of an immediate ceasefire and rejected the forced displacement of Palestinians.

What agreements were signed during the meeting?

  • Agreements included a joint development plan for the Belt and Road Initiative, enhanced cooperation in technological innovation and communications technology, and various other collaborative fields.

How does this meeting impact Egypt’s water security?

  • President Sisi highlighted the importance of securing Egypt’s water security, and the meeting emphasized collaborative efforts to address this critical issue.

What is the Belt and Road Initiative?

  • The Belt and Road Initiative is a global development strategy adopted by China to enhance connectivity and economic integration through infrastructure and investment projects.
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